Jan-Emmanuel De Neve and George Ward with the book Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters

Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters

The definitive account of workplace wellbeing and its key drivers, offering a fresh data-driven perspective on the connections between happiness, productivity, and organizational success. Published by Harvard Business Review Press.

Coming March 25, 2025

Most of us spend a third of our waking lives at work. Work shapes our schedules, relationships, identities, and economies – but is it actually making us happy?

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This crucial question is explored in depth by leading Oxford researchers George Ward and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, who provide the richest, most comprehensive picture of workplace wellbeing yet.

In Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters, the authors clarify what workplace wellbeing is (and is not) and offer a framework for how businesses can approach and improve it. Drawing on extensive, large-scale data – including the world’s largest dataset on employee wellbeing, gathered in partnership with the jobs platform Indeed – the book reveals the remarkable ways in which wellbeing at work varies across workers, occupations, companies, and industries.

The authors present new, evidence-based insights into the origins of workplace wellbeing and how businesses can enhance the employee experience. Drawing on work from multiple academic disciplines, they show that workplace wellbeing encompasses both how we think about our work as a whole and how we feel while doing it. Their research demonstrates that improving wellbeing can boost productivity, aid in talent retention and recruitment, and ultimately improve financial performance.

With in-depth analysis and keen insight, Ward and De Neve debunk myths and test assumptions amidst an often-confusing cacophony of voices on wellbeing at work. Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters provides a firm foundation and indispensable resource for leaders seeking to shape the future of work.

Pre-order your copy now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, or at your local book store.


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HBR Book Webinar: Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters

Join authors Jan-Emmanuel De Neve and George Ward in a special conversation about their book Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters, hosted by HBR Press, on Tuesday 25 March 2025. Secure your free place via Eventbrite.


“Workplace well-being is more important but also more elusive than ever. The good news is that De Neve and Ward have given us an evidence-based guide to finding it. This book is truly essential reading for every leader in business today.”
Professor Laurie Santos
Chandrika and Ranjan Tandon Professor of Psychology at Yale University and host of The Happiness Lab podcast

“Finally—a smart, complete, and readable account of the science of workplace well-being, along with practical advice about how to improve it. Forget all that nonsense about effective habits and visionary leadership—this is the book every executive, manager, and business owner should read.”
Professor Daniel Gilbert
Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, author of the New York Times bestseller Stumbling on Happiness, and host of the PBS television series This Emotional Life

“How we feel at work not only matters greatly for human wellbeing – it is crucial to company performance. De Neve and Ward provide us with the evidence and tools we need to take workplace wellbeing and performance to the next level. This book is a game-changer.”
Dr Diana Han, MD
Chief Health and Wellbeing Officer, Unilever

“Well-being is good for us: it makes us happier, healthier, and more resilient. Finally, De Neve and Ward in this splendid book, also give us compelling evidence that well-being is measurable and profitable.”
Professor Martin Seligman
Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Director, Positive Psychology Center, and author of New York Times bestsellers including Authentic Happiness

“‘Workplace Wellbeing Matters.’ Everyone says this, but what is workplace wellbeing and how to improve it? This excellent, evidence-rich book opens the black box and identifies the specific features of workplace wellbeing that are linked to improved performance, providing practical steps for managers to enhance them.”
Professor Alex Edmans
Professor of Finance at London Business School and author of Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit

“It’s clear we are in a new era for organizations, in which the ability to attract and retain talent is absolutely critical to innovation and success. This book conclusively demonstrates that workplace wellbeing should underpin any company’s strategy. A must-read.”
Loren Shuster
Chief People Officer, LEGO Group

“In Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters, Ward and De Neve shed light on the crucial relationship between work and wellbeing. The book proves that workplace wellbeing is not just an outcome but a driver of success—impacting productivity, recruitment, retention, and even financial performance. Offering actionable insights for HR practitioners, this book is a must-read for those looking to harness the power of wellbeing as a strategic advantage to attract, engage, and retain top talent.”
LaFawn Davis
Chief People & Sustainability Officer, Indeed

“Few topics today in management are more important to understand and master than employee wellbeing. This invaluable new book demystifies what wellbeing really means and why it matters.”
Professor Amy Edmondson
Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School and author of The Fearless Organization

“What sets this book apart is its scientific rigour, cutting through subjective definitions and giving practitioners and businesses a practical and evidence-based blueprint for creating real change. It’s essential reading for any leader serious about improving employee outcomes and driving tangible business performance.”
Andrew Gibbons
Group Head of Wellbeing, HSBC

“This is an exciting and inspiring book. Ward and De Neve reorient our thinking about workplaces and wellbeing, providing new frameworks and clear steps for taking effective action.”
Professor Erin Kelly
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies, MIT and author of Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do About It

“‘Workplace wellbeing’ is often discussed, but rarely defined with the clarity or depth it deserves. Supported by a unique and impressive body of research, this book provides crystal clarity about why wellbeing at work matters. An essential, illuminating read.”
Professor Sonja Lyubomirski
Distinguished Professor of Psychology, UC Riverside, and author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness

“Workplace wellbeing has become a strategic imperative for many organizations. This outstanding book highlights the evidence on how workplace wellbeing has a positive Impact on employee health, productivity and talent retention. This is a MUST read for HR professionals, senior executives and chief medical officers.”
Professor Sir Cary Cooper, CBE
University of Manchester and Chair for the National Forum for Health & Wellbeing at Work

“As this brilliant book shows, wellbeing at work really matters – not just to workers but to productivity and profit. A must read for any course on management, occupational psychology or labour economics.”
Professor Lord Richard Layard
Emeritus Professor of Economics at London School of Economics & Political Science and author of bestseller Happiness: Lessons from a New Science

Why Workplace Wellbeing Matters is a data-driven yet very readable guide for both managers and employees about the importance of measuring and increasing well-being in the workplace, from two of the top experts in the field.”
Professor Michael Norton
Harold M. Brierley Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, and author of The Ritual Effect

“Authored by two leading researchers on workplace well-being, this superb and fact-filled book unpacks the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the hottest yet often misunderstood trend in managing companies. You’ll never think about fostering well-being at work the same way again.”
Professor Stephan Meier
James P. Gorman Professor of Business and Chair, Management Division, Columbia Business School, and author of The Employee Advantage

“De Neve and Ward revolutionize our understanding of workplace wellbeing with an unprecedented analysis of data from over 20 million workers. Their rigorous research demonstrates that employee happiness is not just a feel-good factor—it’s a critical driver of business success. This book is an absolute game-changer for any leader aiming to create a thriving, high-performing organization in today’s competitive landscape.”
Professor Ashley Whillans
Volpert Family Associate Professor, Harvard Business School, and author of Time Smart

“De Neve and Ward’s clear and straightforward approach cuts through the confusion of what well-being at work is, how to measure it, and how to make it a strategic priority. We now understand that well-being is the result of doing the right things as a company. This is not just about individual benefits, but about the organization and design of work. The icing on the cake is the proof that investing in wellbeing literally pays off in better firm performance. A must-read.”
Anna Borg
Head of Psychosocial Health and Well-being, Siemens AG

“With data and rigorous research, De Neve and Ward make the serious point that happier employees are good for business, and reveal which factors drive it.”
Professor Cassie Holmes
UCLA Anderson Professor and author of Happier Hour

“Two superb researchers in the field of workplace well-being offer important insights and proposals, which, if followed, would dramatically enhance the well-being of our world.”
Professor Tyler J. VanderWeele
John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, and Director, Human Flourishing Program

“Finally, a well-researched, science-based approach to measuring, understanding, and improving workplace wellbeing. This book is a game-changer for leaders aiming to create happier, less stressful, and more inclusive workplaces – a commitment that, as the authors compellingly demonstrate, is not only the responsible thing to do, but also makes solid business sense.”
Sarah Cunningham
Managing Director of the World Wellbeing Movement and host of the Working on Wellbeing podcast

“Based on an enormous data set, and decades of study, De Neve and Ward make the strongest economic argument yet for building employee wellbeing. This book is an essential read for CEOs, CFOs, CROs, and CHROs looking to understand sustainable performance, and why it matters to the bottom line.”
Gabriella Kellerman
Chief Innovation Officer, BetterUp, and co-author of Tomorrowmind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection

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