A construction worker in Trafalgar Square, London, holds a balloon with a smiley face.

Our Impact

The Centre's objectives for high-end research are complemented by high-end impact. Our research team contributes to reports, policy, and interventions intended to improve lives for years to come. The Centre is also frequently asked for commentary and feedback on our work in leading media platforms.

80,000 citations

All-time academic citations of research published by the Wellbeing Research Centre’s Research Group.
Source: Google Scholar

180m people

Total reach of our wellbeing research in the media in 2023.
Source: Cision

120+ videos

Wellbeing resources in our YouTube library including lectures, seminars and explainer videos.
Source: YouTube

World Happiness Report

World Happiness Report

We are proud to be the publisher of the World Happiness Report, produced in partnership with Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

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World Wellbeing Movement

World Wellbeing Movement

The Wellbeing Research Centre is a founding member and lead academic partner of the World Wellbeing Movement.

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International Baccalaureate

Wellbeing in Education in Childhood and Adolescence

We are partnered with the International Baccalaureate to redesign their approach to pupil wellbeing for 1.2million students globally.

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