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Ajinomoto Research Fellow

Dr. Alberto Prati

Alberto Prati is an Assistant Professor in Economics at the University College London, where he teaches economic psychology. He also serves as a Research Fellow of the Wellbeing Research Centre, University of Oxford, and as an associate of the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics.

Alberto’s research has shown how the investigation of memory biases can improve the interpretation and statistical analysis of subjective satisfaction data. He has also used satisfaction data from large surveys to estimate the connection of wellbeing and pro-environmental behaviors, as well as the wellbeing impact of inflation inequalities. Life satisfaction is a cognitive judgment, while happiness is an emotion: some of Alberto’s experimental research has built bridges between these two dimensions, and investigated the mechanisms underlying how people decide what they want to believe and to remember.

Currently, Alberto is working on solving some fundamental issues in the measurement of life satisfaction, with the aim of outlining some practical advice to help producers and users of wellbeing data. Apart from his focus on wellbeing, he has been working on several measurement puzzles, e.g., how to measure unobservable inequalities, and how to estimate time preferences accurately.

The Ajinomoto Research Fellowship is supported by Ajinomoto Co, Inc.